Ignite your Inner & outer relationships

::Your Initiation Into Invoking::

  • Prosperity

  • Confidence

  • Communication

  • Empowerment

  • Worthiness

  • Clarity


Hello Badass Change Maker!

About a year ago I decided to take charge of my financial life because to be honest I was avoiding the numbers, the debt and all of the ways I was internally sabotaging myself financially. To start I took a real good look at the numbers and wrote them out, called banks to lower my credit card interest rate, read financial books and committed to doing the work for healing my internal money blocks. In a nutshell I opened my eyes, took action and most importantly took my FINANCIAL POWER back! 👊 It changed my life, which is why I want to share this work with YOU!

Together let's dive deeper into your money blocks, goals and BIG dreams to learn how these tools can create the financial results YOU desire.

xX, Christa



Are you happy with where you are financially?

Do you have BIG financial goals (or bigger than where you are NOW)?

Have you read all of the financial books, set your goals and know deep down that you'll get there one day?

✓ Do you avoid taking control of your debt and your financial power?

Are you continuously frustrated because you are working really hard, showing up and giving it your all but still not getting the results you desire?

Has money often felt like the root cause of stress, pain, lack of freedom and a deciding factor in the way you live (or don't live) your life? 

Do you often feel stuck financially?

Does it feel like financial freedom would open the door to so many of your dreams and goals?

It's easy to look at money as a physical thing. A piece of paper you can touch, smell and see. BUT money is energy, currency, an energetic exchange of value and it holds years and generations of energetic blocks, wounds, guilt, shame, stories and fears.

So when calling more money into your life its essential to look at the underlying energetic blocks that are keeping you from up-leveling and receiving the type of income you desire.

::January 22nd - March 11th::

Two In Person Gatherings + Two Online Group Sessions + One 1:1 Session!

What if making money felt EASY and FUN!

Picture yourself easily breaking through your income barriers and up-leveling your income just by examining and re-defining your thoughts on money?


Uncover and release your MONEY blocks

Create empowering money habits you can implement NOW

Get clear on the numbers; define a clear picture and action plan of where you are and where you are headed

Re-write your financial story

Cord Cutting

Vision Boarding

Forgive your past financial wounds, guilt, shame, traumas, energetic blocks, stories and fears.

Experience and see money through a FEMININE lens vs. MASCULINE (remove the PATRIARCHAL wounds)

Celebrate every little WIN. (The universe responds to feelings of gratitude and excitement and in turn wants to send you MORE!)

Examine your current beliefs of what you are capable of; shift to a positive money mindset of YES, ABUNDANCE and LIMITLESS POSSIBILITY.

Live every day as if you are on a MAGIC MONEY ADVENTURE!

And so much more!!

p.s You are you doing some pretty badass and amazing work in this world. You deserve to be supported (AND the universe wants to support you!) on your journey!

So join me on this adventure as we do the internal work and step into YOUR prosperity boots 👢.

Why not YOU and why not NOW!?


What do you think your number 1 money sabotage is?

I bet you’ll be surprised at how we all have very similar fears on MONEY. Doing this work has been extremely powerful for me. I have been able to increase my monthly income by thousands of dollars, received incredible new opportunities as a result of having my eyes open to abundance in place of lack and FEEL financially empowered. Which is why I want to share this work with YOU!

For the love of being a WILD badass,
