Aloha Moon Child!

Scorpio season may be one of my favorites as it is a time when you shed your layers and transform into a higher version of your most true self. For years I understood Halloween in the same way that society portrays it; scary, trick or treating, ugly and mean witches (did you know the word witch comes from the word "wicce" meaning "wise" and witches were revered in the highest degree as healers at a time when people widely worshiped Mother Earth and Nature as goddesses- not scary at all!), costumes and skeletons. I never realized it was such a deep, powerful and spiritual time, when the veils between the worlds are thin and the messages that whisper answers, signs and directions to your soul can be heard. 

This season is asking you to journey deep into the darkness as mercury provides a portal that safely carries you into unraveling your old wounds, stories, traumas and stuck emotions.
It is time to RE-CLAIM YOUR POWER, release the past and rise from the ashes into your transformation eagle child.
It is time to bring those BIG dreams you have been praying, wishing and hoping for to life!

Cord cutting and grounding down to mother earth are two powerful tools that I have been using this past week to move through my own transformation. It has been exciting, liberating, a journey of highs and lows, sorrow and magic and a deep knowing that a BIG change is on the horizon. 

Cord Cutting

Energetic chords are formed between every person you meet, experiences, events, places and objects. Some encounters are easily released and others you can carry with you for days, weeks, months, years or lifetimes. Some connections may even be passed down from your ancestral line. Your energetic body is a sacred space. It is important to keep this clean so that you can be a clear channel for energy to flow freely.
When your energetic system is in balance you create a clear channel for calling in your desires and cultivate a healthy cocoon for birthing your dreams, shifts and transformations.

  • Take a look at who and what drains your energy - tune in and listen for what is popping up in your subconscious mind. Think of any past traumatic events, dreams, relationships, words, emotions or experiences that leave a negative, toxic or heavy feeling in your body/mind. (These are likely playing a large role in blocking you from drawing in your dreams.)

  • Practice a meditation where you release and cut the cord from this experience, relationship etc. You can imagine cutting with a scissor, pulling the cord out of your body or watching the emotional block float away. Your goal is to meditate on releasing until you feel light and like the energy has been lifted and detached. This can be difficult as fear will set in; a need for holding on and control. Fear can show up in many different ways as letting go requires you to leap into trust and to put your faith into something greater.

  • Have a burning ceremony. Write your intentions or what you are releasing on a piece of paper. Meditate on letting go and then send the paper along with your emotional connections into the fire where they can burn and transform.

Letting go is tough but I promise when you let go, you create the space for something even more beautiful to enter into your life. Things have a way of working out a million times more magical when you release and surrender into the natural rhythm of mother nature and her plan.

Here is a MANTRA for calling back your power and cord cutting:

"I call back any lost soul fragments, power or light now. Any vows, soul contracts, hexes, or programs from the past or present, from this life or others that are not in the highest good of all, I relinquish now. Any cords or attachments from this life or others, I release now for the highest good of all. And so it is, and so it is, and so it is. AHO!

~Rebecca Campbell


  • What are those old stories, traumas and stuck emotions you are being called to release and transform?

  • What messages have you been seeing and hearing; What are they asking you to do and how can you honor them?

  • Where are you avoiding, hiding or procrastinating from diving into your journey?

  • What could be possible if you were to say YES to your voyage?

  • What magic is waiting for you on the other side?

For the love of being a WILD badass,